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Large Apophyllite Cluster

Large Apophyllite Cluster

Regular price $95.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $95.00 CAD
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This Apophyllite cluster is large and brimming with interest! It has chunks of "diamond" apophyllite, some that are "snowy", and tucked right in the very middle is what appears to be a ball of Pink Stilbite peeking through!

While Apophyllite may be gentle in the healing it provides, it isn't afraid to kick your meditation practice up a notch. This crystal is excellent for high traffic areas due to it's incredible ability to act as a filter for negative energy. Consider keeping one in busy or chaotic rooms in your house.

Apophyllite is known as the Reiki Master Stone and is a channel for pure healing energies. This is a beautiful crystal for energy healers as it facilitates a connection to higher realms.

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